Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Rose Oyoo portrait

Rose Oyoo (2026) ro18@rice.edu

My name is Rose Oyoo, a current sophomore from Memphis, TN. I am currently planning to major in Psychology and obtain a certificate in Civic Leadership. I am a first-gen, low-income student and the daughter of Kenyan immigrants. I pride myself on learning and celebrating different cultures. My work is to make sure everyone at Will Rice feels a sense of belonging and that their culture is highlighted while here. I also want to be a shoulder for people to lean on. If you ever need someone to talk with, text me!

As the DEI Rep, my job is to make sure everyone feels like they belong at Will Rice. I host events from different cultures with the diversity committee. I work to create a more inclusive and diverse environment regardless of race, gender, sex, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, political opinions, etc. I also start conversations that raise awareness about relevant issues and public concerns. As DEI Rep, I also oversee affinity groups at Will Rice and make sure they are meeting regularly. If there are any concerns regarding issues related to diversity, feel free to reach out to me or the DFs (Diversity facilitators).

Diversity Facilitators

Say hello to your diversity facilitators Arielle Noah (they/she) from Will Rice and Chase Brown (she/her) from Wiess! We aim to make Will Rice a safe space for all identities and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. DEI is important to us because people have many intersecting identities and we want to be sure that everyone can feel part of the WIll Rice family. Diversity facilitators host dialogues on diversity every Friday during the school year and are a resource for finding affinity groups or clubs. We also work out conflicts that may occur where certain actions or statements threaten our culture of care.

What are diversity facilitators? Diversity Facilitators, or DF’s for short, are the liaisons between the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the student body. Each residential college has at least two DF’s assigned to it, where they take charge in leading diversity and inclusion workshops during O-Week and throughout the school year, serving as advisors for college leaderships, A-teams, and peers on issues related to equity and inclusion. In addition, DF’s host weekly dialogues on diversity related topics and have a lunch open to the entire campus.

Affinity groups

Affinity groups on campus include, but are not limited to: Asian Pacific American Student Alliance, Rice Black Men's Association, Black Student Association Chinese Student Association, Caribbean Student Society, DAWA Pre-Health Society, Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice, Rice Black Women's Association, South Asian Society, Vietnamese Student Association, Rice African Student Association, Rice Muslim Student Association, Korean Student Association, Rice African Student Association, Rice Ethiopian and Eritrean Student Association, Rice Pride, Rice Hillel, and Middle Eastern and North African Student Association. You can find many more clubs headed by the OMA on Owlnest.

Arielle Noah (2024)


Will Rice

Chase Brown



Commitment to Diversity

Dehumanization, marginalization, and violence impact so many different communities. At Will Rice, we stand against all types of discriminatory attitudes and behaviors. From Black Lives Matter to reproductive rights, Will Ricers engage civically and socially to strengthen our community bonds and uplift one another.

We must hear the voices of our systemically disenfranchised students, practice empathy, and do anything in our power to support them. We must not speak over them but should elevate their voices, their stories, and their priorities. Like the Phoenix, we must rise up and evolve to be a more anti-racist and inclusive Will Rice. People are not a monolith. We aim to advocate for all people of diverse backgrounds.